5 things you know about developmental delays


Parents often worry about developmental delays. Development is a slow and gradual process. Children always have their distinct developmental journeys through childhood. Some may need more help compared to others as they develop the skills they need to thrive as they age. You don’t need to worry if your child struggles to reach the same milestones as their other age fellows. These are some common things that one should take into account about development as a parent to best help your kids. In this article, we will tell you when and when not to worry about the developmental phase of your child.

Any Child Can Experience Developmental Delays

Kids do not require any specific diagnosis during infancy or fetal development to experience delays. Research shows that around 10 to 15 per cent of school-going kids experience developmental delays and 17.3% of kids three to 17 years old have experienced these delays. So it’s more common than many parents realize it is.

Your child’s paediatrician can answer any questions you may have regarding your kid’s progress with things like fine motor skills, and how he is talking and walking. They’ll know when each skill naturally appears in children’s lives and when your child is howling symptoms you need to worry about. 

Delays Can Appear Immediately

Infants have much to experience and develop during the early years of their lives. They won’t walk or talk immediately, but you may notice irregular delays regarding what visual or auditory stimulation they tend to respond to. Discussing concerns or questions with your child’s paediatrician is something that is always appreciated. They may suggest trying new activities to assess whether or not your child is experiencing a delay.

Speech Delays Have Other Side Effects

Children typically start saying their first vowel sounds or rudimentary words around six months old and then they tend to develop a more extensive vocabulary quickly in the months following. Sometimes kids begin this stage seemingly well, but they struggle with side effects parents may not be able to accurately determine a potential speech development delay.

Pediatric speech therapists find that young children experiencing delays will portray some obvious signs. 

Fine Motor Skills Can Be Challenging

People use fine motor skills daily and might not even realize that they are doing it. They’re abilities that develop in early childhood but may take longer for some children than others. Encourage your child to participate in motor skill games like playing with putty, squeezing colorful sponges full of water, and coloring. If they can’t grasp tools or manage hand-eye coordination, playing those types of activities more often might be because they are experiencing a developmental delay.

Self-Care Skills May Take Time

Although you might picture things like aromatherapy and journaling when you picture self-care sessions, some skills are very difficult and kids need more time to develop that count as self-care. Your child might not catch onto potty training, feeding themselves, or getting dressed as quickly as some sharp kids of the same age. So there’s no need to worry in such cases.