fitness and exercise myths debunked

10 easy core exercises to do at home

If you want scorching biceps and muscular shoulders, a rock-solid core should be your foundation. Regular and efficient...

NCDC dismisses Russia’s working with US, monkeypox

THE Nigeria Centre for Disease Control (NCDC) has refuted a Russian government claim tying the current Monkeypox outbreak to purported US-funded and...


Incredible Benefits of Ladyfinger

Ladyfinger is rich in nutrients. It is considered a good source of two of the three macronutrients carbohydrates and protein and also...

All work and no sleep makes Jack a dull boy

Sleep plays an important role in maintaining a healthy body. Scientific researches have shown and proved that a requisite amount of it...

Is Whey Protein Good for Weight Loss

Whey protein is one of the most important and popular sources of protein available in the market. But...

6 Health Benefits of Fasting, Backed by Science

Although fasting is very popular nowadays, this practice dates back centuries and plays a signature role in many cultures and religions. 

Why is a balanced diet a part of our life?

A realistic and correct diet established can facilitate the us to possess a healthy feeding habit since it considers most of the...

Techniques to loosen your weight

Most of the population in the world wants to get rid of obesity and over weight.The young in general and adults in...

Why You Should Drink Orange Juice

Orange is one of the favorite fruits of people in many regions of the world. It traces its history back to 314...

Reasons for why you should water your body

Water covers 71% of planet Earth. Nearly 60% of our body weight is water. Speaking about Earth, the importance of water is...

Most prevalent types of cancer you need to avoid

Cancer is becoming the most feared disease in the world. Its rate is proliferating by leaps and bounds. In some forms, it...


Lung Disease Overview

Lung disease is the most common disease in the world. Tens of millions of people have been affected only in the united...

Most prevalent types of cancer you need to avoid

Cancer is becoming the most feared disease in the world. Its rate is proliferating by leaps and bounds. In some forms, it...

4 Tips for healthy teeth

Strong and healthy teeth are a priority for everyone. Studies have shown an interconnection between the mouth's health and an individual's overall...
Healthy Pancake Toppings from Reddit

Healthy Pancake Toppings from Reddit

Reddit is a platform where you can question and answer almost everything. The...

Guide for the health of hair

To have hair as smooth as feathers is probably one dream that most...

Amazing benefits of eating rice

Rice has been one of the most ancient and delicious parts of the...

Tips to maintain a healthy weight

Regardless of what that implies for their body type, the majority of people...

3 foods that improve your reading

Reading is among the best hobbies around. Reading can improve your cognitive ability...


Benefits of buying food from a Local Farms

Everyone needs to eat, and we can get food in a lot of ways. People have choices, including grocery stores, restaurants, fast...


Amazing benefits of eating rice

Rice has been one of the most ancient and delicious parts of the human diet. Humans have cultivated, harvested, and eaten it...

Causes and remedies of depression

Depression is a medical illness that affects your mental health, physical health and behaviour.  According to the world health organisation it has...

Tips to gain muscles

Muscle building is the top priority for the majority of people when it comes to improving physical appearance. Added mass drastically changes...

Why You Should Drink Orange Juice

Orange is one of the favorite fruits of people in many regions of the world. It traces its history back to 314...