Guide to a glowing skin


Skin is the largest organ that a human body possesses. It is way more complicated than the other organs of the body. It contributes a great deal to the maintenance of the health of the body. It is the first line of defense of the body. It deals with invading microbes in the first place. It has a crucial role in holding everything in. It provides a flexible barrier that prevents the influx of air and water. It makes a barricade between the outside world and the highly organized systems of the body.

There are 3000 possible skin disorders. Its uniqueness demands attention and concern that is unparalleled by any organ. It is composed of 3 layers. These layers function together collectively. Keratinocytes, melanocytes, and pigment-producing cells are present in the skin. A shining and glowing skin enhances the physical appeal of a person. In this article, we will highlight some ways in which we can improve our skin health.

A healthy diet

The cosmetic industry has progressed by leaps and bounds in the recent past. Its value is calculated in multi-billions. But if your diet is healthy, then there is not much need to seek beauty products. Tomatoes are deemed to protect humans against skin cancer. Lycopene which is present in abundance in tomatoes protects our surface against harmful UV radiation from the sun. It also helps in reducing sebum on the skin’s surface. This prevents oil from accumulating on the surface. Olive oil reduces the risk of cumulative damage to the skin including wrinkles, dark spots, and discoloration of it. These occur generally due to long-term exposure to sunlight. Mangoes are enriched with compounds that portray antioxidant properties. They protect the collagen that is present in the skin.

Green tea has a lot of benefits. It consists of a compound called polyphenol. They assist in rejuvenating dying cells in the body. They are highly beneficial in healing wounds present on the surface of the body. Cocoa flavonoids that are found in chocolate decrease roughness and also enhance the function of skin. They combat the UV rays coming from the sun. They also keep the cells present on the surface of the body hydrated. 

Say no to smoking

Collagen and elastin give the skin its characteristic strength and elasticity. Smoking regularly results in reducing the natural elasticity by causing the breakdown of collagen and also causes a reduction in collagen production. Furthermore, the repetitive expressions that are made by a smoker while smoking can contribute to the formation of wrinkles on the face. Smoking also leads to skin aging.

Smoking stimulates the narrowing of the blood vessels found in the outer layer of the skinThis results in reducing the blood flow and exhausts the nutrients and oxygen that are a necessity for the health of the surface of the body.

A good night’s sleep

Chronic sleep deprivation is known to be a cause of obesity, immune deficiency, and diabetes,  but studies have shown that sleep quality may also have a long-lasting impact on skin function and its aging. People who are considered to be poor sleepers often show signs of premature skin aging and also suffer from the decreased ability to undergo the healing process by itself at night from environmental stressors.

When you are in a deep sleep, your body enters repair mode and regenerates skin, muscles, and blood and brain cells. When you are getting insufficient sleep, your body is unable to produce new collagen. Collagen protects you against sagging.