How to plan a Keto Diet


In the recent past, the keto diet has gotten a lot of press, especially since the high-fat, low-carb method of eating has generated a slew of keto-friendly goods and online recipes came into play. The keto diet has been subjected to a lot of attention and criticism recently. This is especially because the high-fat, low-carb style of eating has produced a slew of keto-friendly foods and recipes on the internet.

While the keto diet may bear some unparalleled benefits (some claim it reduces blood sugar levels and provides you with more energy), it also has some potential drawbacks (we’re talking about a lot of fat consumption) that should be taken into account. 

Yes, the keto diet as studies show can aid you in losing a lot of weight but if you’re not careful, it can potentially cause you to gain more kilos on the weight machine. 

Understanding That The Gene Also Plays A Vital Role In Weight Gain

It’s a startling phenomenon, but it’s damn true. Obese people who are overweight, to begin with, have been shown to pass on their obesity to their children and grandchildren, according to studies. Every body type is distinct from all other types, and each has its distinct metabolism. Your body’s response to the Keto diet plan which you undertake may be influenced by the action of your genes. 

There’s one more thing to consider: you should never undertake a keto or any diet plan without conducting research and consulting with a person who is a qualified professional. A nutritionist or dietician can aid you in determining your body type and can also recommend the ideal diet for you.

Nutritionists of the finest reputation often recommend that you have your APOE GENE tested. You can use the APOE gene to learn more about how your body metabolizes fat and other nutrients it is fed with. Other genetic issues could be to blame for the unwelcome weight gain while you are trying hard to lose weight. Changes in eating habits and switching to a low-carb diet are not known to benefit many people. 

Why Is Your Keto Diet Making You Gain Weight?

Here are some of the primary reasons why your keto diet is making you gain weight:

Consuming Meals With Too Much Pure Fat/Oil

It is critical to consume less amount of energy than the body requires to burn extra body fat. If you consume too much fat, your body will shed it and store extra energy it doesn’t require and will not go down in metabolism. As a result, the fat content in your body will gradually increase. 

Hold off on the extra oil and butter as a quick remedy for this very common problem of sorts. Avocados, seafood, full-fat cheese, seeds, olives, and nuts should be prioritized over minimally cooked or fried foods. 

Eating Too Many Keto Snacks With High Fat

Snacking on keto-friendly kinds of foods can help you avoid any sort of hunger during the break time between meals when you are consuming nothing. When we don’t portion our high-fat snacks properly, though, it’s surprisingly easy that you eat more than the required amounts of it. This will cause or lead to unnecessary weight gain.